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Marine Transport (Emissions Control) Act, 2024

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History of this Bill

Current Stage Passed
House of Assembly
Notice Date: 04/07/2024
First reading: 09/07/2024
Second Reading: 09/07/2024
Committee stage: 09/07/2024
Report stage: 09/07/2024
Consideration of amendments: 09/07/2024
Passed Date: 09/07/2024
The Senate
Notice Date: 10/07/2024
First reading: 17/07/2024
First appeared in the Official Gazette: 11/07/2024
Second reading: 21/08/2024
Committee stage Date: 21/08/2024
Report stage Date: 21/08/2024
Consideration of amendments: 21/08/2024
Passed Date: 21/08/2024

No amendments were found.

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